Emre Aydogan
Trained in engineering in his native Turkey and the Czech Rexpublic, Emre arrived in the U.S. to further his business education and learn more about construction. Armed with a certificate in Construction Management, Emre worked as an Assistant Project Manager for Kota Drywall Corp., BRF Construction Corp., and Ant Yapi US in assistant project managing and site-supervising a broad range of commercial and institutional projects, including 8-story and 30-story concrete hotels. Experienced with coordinating paperwork, fieldwork, as well as project participants––from subcontractors, to government agencies, to architects and clients––Emre contributes his management skills to run his jobs efficiently like a well-maintained machine. When not working, Emre loves spending time with his 3-year-old daughter.
“Recently, I taught her how to ride a bike, holding it behind her until she is ahead of me, on the other side of the field. I knew she would fall and cry when she realized I let go. But I told her, I cried when I was little, too. Now look, you learned! How easy it is! Then she tells me, ‘I trust you.’”
–– Emre Aydogan
Emre holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, an MBA from Goldey-Beacom College, Wilmington, CE and a Construction Management certificate from Baruch College, NYC. In addition, he holds certificates in OSHA 30HR, Fitness for Fire Guard for Torch Operation (F60) and Torch Use with Flammable Gases (G-60). He enjoys hiking with his family, and also taught his daughter how to swim. He says she is a Lego sponge; everything he says, she repeats. Like her father, she enjoys building information inside her head.