Jeffrey Koffler
With Vanguard for nearly thirty years, Jeffrey helps manage our active projects, contributing his expertise toward all stages from logistics to staffing, oversight of safety, quality control, and close-out. Kicking-off jobs, he meets with our project team of Estimator, Project Manager, Assistant PM, and Superintendent, to identify Long Lead items, review logistics and staging, confirm means, methods, and sequencing, and help set standards of Quality Control. Jeff is also our Director of Safety, performing ongoing reviews of Fire Safety, OSHA and Covid-19 regulations as applied to all our active sites. Working behind the scenes, he makes himself available to resolve knotty accounting, or steps in on a late afternoon or weekend, to ensure whatever needs to be executed will get done. Jeff is also a master jigsaw puzzle solver, often completing one once a week.
“I find doing puzzles very relaxing. My mind goes into another zone. When you get to the last 100 pieces, it all pops together so quickly. You go at a different speed. It’s just like moving a client in, there’s that sense of satisfaction. And putting in that very last piece–it feels spectacular!”
––– Jeffrey Koffler
Jeff received a BA degree from the University of Miami. He enjoys taking on challenging, high-end, high-quality projects, such as the Midtown and Tribeca locations for our repeat client, The Palm Restaurants. In his spare time, Jeff takes five-mile walks along the boardwalk in Long Beach every Saturday or Sunday. He celebrates the end of his stroll devouring a steaming bucket of steamers.