Steven DiGrigoli
Joining Vanguard in 2013, Steve contributes over two decades of construction experience. He has supervised office fit-outs and infrastructure upgrades in multiple corporate projects on Wall Street, overseen the safe demolition of large buildings coordinating NYC DOB’s BEST Squad, built a dialysis center, or performed out-of-the- ground work. Whether managing institutional, commercial or healthcare work, Steve applies his strong field management skills, a honed eye for detail, and a commitment to highest levels of safety to all his jobs. In addition, Steve is especially comfortable dealing with unexpected situations. A lifetime of baking taught him to adjust as needed, while guaranteeing he still gets a finished product good enough to eat.
“I grew up making bread, cakes, and cookies learning from my father. Every flour gives a different reaction, and it depends on the ingredients. I learned a lot from trial and error. Especially how to tweak”
—Steve DiGrigoli
Steve is a Construction Site Safety Training Supervisor who is certified by the NYC DOB and American Society for Healthcare Engineers (ASHE).